Latest News from the Project Rights


Meeting held the 14th of December 2022 in Holargos Elementary School, Athens.


During this Event KEAN presented the cartoons, comics and video stories created in IO4 as a means to raise awareness addressing first kids and then adults. The whole project was introduced to participants, and delivered some non-formal activities linked to sports, including the ones of Del. 2.3.


LET’S COUNTER HATRED IN SPORT, an Awareness sport event, is a Multiplier event set on 13 December 2022 in Ankara at the Haccetepe University Headquarters.

That was an opportunity to recall the importance of the RIGHTS project and to widespread its contents to University students.

RIGHTS E12 - RESPECT IS OUR GOAL! - Awareness Sport Event

The E12 took place in USMA headquarters on 3rd of December, the day after the TPM 5 in Padua. The event provided the audience (composed of representatives of sports clubs, fan associations, NGOs, schools and public bodies) targets with valuable tools for developing awareness campaigns on hate speech in sports.

Three sessions characterized the event, namely:

1) Display of the comic strip pack as a tool that can be implemented directly into the sports clubs;

2) Confronting coaches and managers in a workshop to comprehend how to do and why it is necessary to adopt intercultural communication and employ stories to increase understanding of hate speech and intolerance;

3) “Sports Open Happening” game, during which (in the loop) videos and cartoons and a mix of sports and creative activities were shown.

Transnational Project Meeting n.5 positevely implemented in Padua

On December 2nd, the fifth and last TPM was held in the USMA headquarters in Selvazzano Dentro (PD).

The meeting allowed partners to share their contributions in terms of activities developed over the last months. Particular attention was devoted to reviewing the state of the art of the project in view of its closure and checking the Deliverables developed.

All project partners participate in an excellent atmosphere. 

E5 - Tell the right story: how to manage sports communication both "online and onlife”

Implementation of a two-day event (on 23rd and 28th November) developed in Maia University for students from Communication Sciences; Marketing; Public relations and Communication Management; Sports and Sports Management graduations courses and also to sports communication managers. There were 37 participants in the event. In the first part different stakeholders shared their own stories/perspectives, namely: 

  • A Researcher from the National Observatory of Violence against athletes and also member of Plano I Association – Human Rights association in charge of “Black Lives Matter” awareness campaign;
  • A sport’s Psychologist and the Communication Manager of Famalicão Football Club (club of the main Portuguese football league)
  • A Basketball female athlete of the Portuguese National Basketball team

In the second part of the event the IO3 tools were presented and, at the same time, putted it into practice, getting the necessary feedback.  Small groups of participants collaborated using the IO3 communication toolkit (specially D3.1.) and the guest’s sharing’s. During the activity a communication problem coming from a club was presented and all the groups needed to propose a solution and / or a strategy to be implemented. At the end, in small groups, they have presented a solution for the presented case. 

E4 Sport is a Right! Not the arena for hate speech

The event was held the 26th of November 2022 in Escape, Athens.

The whole project was presented, and specifically the IO1, IO2 and IO3. Different sports federations and teams attended. Some non-formal activities on intercultural communication were delivered as well as showed some videos to raise awareness on the topic of hate speech in the sports field and how to contrast it.

E10 - Be the protagonist of change! - an awareness Sport Event

This event took place in Maia University, on 10th November for 22 Students from Communication Sciences; Marketing; Public relations and Communication Management; Sports and Sports Management graduation courses. Different sport actors and stakeholders were involved and allowed to discuss the theme of how sports practice and the grassroot sport club’s context can be important to create positive speeches and inclusion in sports and in society.  

In particular, D4.1 – Comic strip pack were used as a clue and inspiration for the creation of intercultural and awareness sport events. We have also capitalized the Corplay’s output, namely the “What’s bugging you” Campaign.   

Participants were divided in small groups to propose the creation of an awareness sport event based on those outputs. Project outcomes also were promoted, especially the IO3, with the D3.1 – Rights Narratives Guidelines, focused on the tools for the awareness campaigns and intercultural events.


The multiplier event took place on 05 Nov 2022 at the Hotel IN, Belgrade.

The agenda included: welcome and introduction note, presentation of the RIGHTS project and the event objectives, presentation of the drafted policy materials: Guidelines for action plan and for the Ethical code of conducts, networking, catering and closing of event-

GFA team members have introduced the project and its mission to the audience, and thoroughly explained the content and messages of the two drafted policy materials. The presentations have been followed by dynamic interactive discussion with participation of all present stakeholders, who unanimously supported the idea and necessity that these tools should be introduced in the sport environment, at the local and national level. The coaches of young categories shared their experiences with various stakeholders at the field, outlining that parents are often the most difficult for cooperation and that they -out of their ambition – produce huge pressure to their children.


When: 04.11.2022

Where: Sofia (“Bonsist” Sports Complex)

This Awareness sport event was focused on promoting respect and make participants better understand how people who are victims of hatred and racism feel and react


When: 31.10.2022

Where: Sofia (Sofia University conference room)

The event was the opportunity to present the project and its deliverables with special emphasis on the Action planning guide and the Ethical code of conduct; Roundtables dedicated on the impact of hate speech in modern society and on potential techniques and tools to address hate speech issues in sports.

Great success of the partners meeting and multiplier event in Serbia, Beograd.

The problem of hate speech in sports and how to counter it was the main topic of the seminar that was held in the House of Football in Stara Pazova. The seminar was organized by the Association of Fans “Gentlemen” from Belgrade in collaboration with the Football Association of Serbia and Football Club Čukarički.At main football training centre we had the chance to test and transfer Rights pedagogical resources.

At the seminar, sports coaches conducted workshops with young football players from Čukarik, where the goal was to introduce athletes to the topics and occurrences of various forms of hate speech in sports, as well as how to oppose it. When we say workshop, we mean educational games or games through which young athletes, with the coordination of coaches, could understand and understand concepts such as discrimination, equality, fairness, racism, harassment, insults on various grounds, hate speech, respect, fair play etc.

Full text here:



Intercultural event to counter hate speech and promote sport values

USMA organised an “Intercultural event to counter hate speech and promote sport values” on 23 April of 2022.

RIGHTS E1 + DO THE RIGHT THING! Promote respect in the playground and in the stands A BOOTCAMP for COACHES, sport MANAGERS and Fans Leaders

Bootcamps, organized by USMA in collaboration with UNIVE, took place on three different Saturdays: the 21st and 28th of May and the 4th of June.

The focus of these days was on IO2 to show how relational skills are developed through the technical movements of football. A short workshop on IO3 was also designed with a small group of volunteers working as sports communicators at grassroots sports clubs.

Those bootcamps represented an extraordinary moment to gather together a vast community interested in the topic and curious to learn more about respect and hate speech in sports. A broad target audience occurred at the event, from sports collaborators, musicians, football and volleyball players and fans, primary school teachers, representatives of public bodies, University Professors and educators.

Project Rights was presented in “Hate Speech Plural Approaches. Debates, issues and controversies” conference in Paris

Prof. Fabio Caon and Sveva Battaglia (PhD) participated on the recent conference “Discourse de Haine” that was held on May 18, 19, 20 –  2022 at University of Paris.

Their presentation was entitled: “Respect is the Goal: Hate Speech, Sport and Intercultural Communication”.

The conference was very stimulating and Geneviève Bernard Barbeau and Claudine Moïse opened the hate speech symposium with “Hate Speech and Responsibilities”.

Hate speech, sport and intercultural communication on “Old and new types of unbalanced communication: channels, structures, and models” international conference in Naples

Prof. Fabio Caon and Sveva Battaglia (PhD) presented project Rights in the international conference  “Old and new types of unbalanced communication: channels, structures, and models” that was held in Naples on 5th of May 2022. The title of their contribution was “Parole per includere/parole per escludere: hate speech, sport e comunicazione interculturale”.

More about program here:



RIGHTS Project Cartoon Design Contest

Amazing news from RIGHTS, as we have 21 youngsters participating in the cartoons contest! Now the evaluation phase starts: stay tuned!

Download the PDF file of the contest.

Watch the photo gallery

Title of the event: RESPECT IN SPORT- how to educate and develop the culture of tolerance

Scope of the Multiplier event in Belgrade is to improve and test pedagogical materials which will be used by coaches to educate young football players how to respect others and not just the rules of the game.
Pedagogical materials will be developed to tackle the problem of violence, hooliganism and the consequences such behaviours have to the professional opportunities, life and future of the young individuals; conflict management; intercultural dialog and informal learning through sport.  
The pedagogical material will be designed to demystify root causes of violent, intolerant and discriminatory behaviours at and around sport arenas, including fake appealing behaviours and motives intended to recruit young athletes.

Participants will be: RIGHTS project partners, sport clubs managers, coaches, trainers, public authorities, media, sport communicators, federation and sport umbrella organization, other civil society organization and youths organization

TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETING No.4 After COVID period first project meeting which will be held in presence!

The scope of the meeting No.4 is to validate all the deliverables and output of the first line of intervention as well as to plan next steps for awareness raise. During the review it will be checked the state of play in general, and schedule of next steps and decisions will be made.

Preliminary topics:

  • State of play analysis, monitoring indicators and review IO2 and IO3;
  • Sharing the campaign raise and intercultural sport event format and co-planning the pilot event;
  • Sharing methodology and contents of design of D4.1 and D4.2 comics campaign;
  • Co-arrange the rights charter for sport clubs and fans club – IO3;
  • Informing about progress on all deliverables which are in production phase;
  • Closure session – next step planning, management issues, check needs for rescheduling,etc.

Project Rights will join international conference "Hate speech in Translation" that will be held online on 10-12 March

The Conference seeks to investigate the phenomenon of hate speech from a translation studies perspective and to analyse its discursive forms and practices at an interlinguistic, intermedial and multimodal level.

Prof. Fabio Caon and Sveva Battaglia (PhD) will talk about intercultural communication and empathy to contrast hate speech (10 March – 12:00-13:15).


You can find more information here:

The link for the Conference:

Project Rights joined “Live & Asynchronous Symposium – Social Media Hate: Contours and Counterpoints”​

Ontario Tech University (Canada) organised on 7-9th February an online Symposium on hate speech. “Over the past five years, social media platforms have made the headlines as spaces where far Right individuals and groups produce, impart and receive hateful content. The proposed solutions to the problem have subsequently multiplied. Governments are enacting new laws, regulations and policies for governing social media platforms. Social media corporations use user agreements and community guidelines, content moderators, and artificial intelligence (A.I.) to counter hateful content. Researchers propose a social media standards council, digital literacy projects and new educational initiatives to curb online hate while activists are developing all kinds of creative tactics and practices in response to online hate.”We had the opportunity to speak about “Online Hate Speech in Sport and the Role of Intercultural Communication: the Case of Italy” – by Sveva Battaglia.

If you are interested in learning more watch the video presentation:

Project Rights participated at the conference “Taking Action! Conference on Social Justice in Language Classrooms and Teacher Education”


The conference was organized collaboratively by the MA students in the Applied Linguistics and ELT seminar on “Social Justice in Language Education” and course coordinator Albert Biel, M.A., at TU Dortmund University. Taking Action! took place online via Zoom on 18th and 19th February 2022 as a digital event. We presented at this wonderful conference our reflections with “Gender-based hate speech in sport: how to tackle it starting from the language classroom” – Caon F., Battaglia S., Brichese A.

Transnational partner meeting​

Rights “2° Transnational partner meeting” has been successfully conducted on the 19th of October 2021.

The on-line meeting was an opportunity for partners to share their progress in project implementation and check the overall state of play.

In particular, the encounter was essential to assess and validate the D1.1 and D1.2, both representing the main ground of the project.

Besides, the consistency of the deliverables was reviewed, as well as tasks developed toward the application form, both necessary steps to enhance project quality.

Measures to avoid any negative consequences

According to the interviewees of the Rights project, people who went through a discriminatory or a hate speech situation in sports, named the following measures to avoid any negative consequences:

  • Tackling Emotional Outcomes (55.9%),
  • Education and Communication Skills (35.5%),
  • Repressive measures (10.6%).

Interesting, Right(s)?

The partners Rosto Solidário, USMA Caselle ΚΕΑΝ-Κύτταρο Εναλλακτικών Αναζητήσεων Νέων Gentlemen-Serbian-Fans Hacettepe Üniversitesi and ASL are collecting important information about this issue.

  • Follow us in the next play

Stories collected by the partners

In total, 74 stories have been directly collected by the partners using the method of narrative interviewing and constitute real-life experiences of citizens of Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, and Turkey. Here are some significant results about the hate speakerm

Respondents reported hate speakers’ sex and their role in the sport context, resulting in 72.1% male-only and 7.4% female only cases. For the remaining 20.6% of the cases, hate speakers were from both sexes

Fans are seen as dominant actors behind negative discourse with a 40.7% incidence rate, while the Coaches (23.3%) and Peer-athletes (youth athletes) (20.9%) were reported as second and third most accountable sources. They are followed by Parents with 8.1%.

Reminding that the tendency of children to emulate the practices of others, young athletes having witnessed or experienced hate speech might be negatively affected in terms of their motivation and attitudes towards sports

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