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The female handball athlete is exposed to negative statements by her trainer due to her poor performance during the match. By shouting loudly, pointing and tugging at her jersey, her coach scolds the athlete in front of her teammates, the stands and her opponents. He warns harshly with insults, profanity and sarcasm. There are insults to the athlete’s appearance, intelligence and social life. […]This female athlete faced such negative behaviors in other teams she went to.

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  • a:“You black!” “Why wasn’t my son chosen to play at the game?”
  • b:“Don’t be afraid – Kick their ass! Kill him!”
  • c:“Your face it’s disgusting, your face looks awful. You should die! Don’t you feel ashamed of that?!” (this one referred to a boy suffering of acne).
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A physiotherapist from the team had a different physical appearance. And he was never sure or confident about getting into the field and supporting the players that got injured. He had low self-esteem. Because of his looks and because of what people used to say of him, he had an internal conflict between helping and giving assistance, or dealing with the insults and discrimination from the public when his intervention was needed.

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“You are dirty”, “You are in Italy, you have to follow the Italian rules” (referred to some girls in a swimming pool, wearing a burkini: which is legal in Italy).

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